Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Western Endeavour - Issue No.: 1129 Issue Date: 21 Jul, 2024

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Alyssa at Western Endeavour

Alyssa Whalen - A Year In Denmark

After a year in Denmark (the one in Europe, not here) Alyssa Whalen has returned from her Rotary Exchange experience and provided us with an informative and entertaining presentation on 13th April.

Arriving into a new country with a very different culture, climate and language can be very challenging but Alyssa settled in very easily with her first host family. English was widely spoken which eased the process including school.

Her birthday was celebrated with a selection of Danish sweets such as vandbakkelse and flodeboller. An attempt was made at making her grandma’s cake but maybe not as well as Grandma. It was interesting to note that the national flag was displayed prominently on all important occasions.

Then along came Covid 19. The worst of the cases occurred during April and secondary schools didn’t return until the end of May.

Off then to host number two where Grandma’s cake made a second appearance, Alyssa dislocated her arm, went winter bathing and on the exchange students bike camp. Cycling a fair distance in very cold weather to and from school was required each day.

Christmas was a major production then just as it was time to come home – SNOW.

Alyssa has obviously made the most of her opportunity. She has made friends who will be life long and gained confidence and maturity that will assist in her further endeavours.

Author: John Boxall

Published: 25 April, 2021


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