Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Western Endeavour - Issue No.: 1129 Issue Date: 21 Jul, 2024

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Bruce Dufty receives two awards in one day

Bruce Dufty receives two awards on one day.

At a RCWE club meeting on 10 August 2021, Bruce Dufty received awards from both the Rotary Club of Osborne Park and from District 9455. Both recognized Bruce’s dedication to helping the indigenous population in Leonora. The RC of Osborne Park identified Bruce as being a “Leonora FASD (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder) Champion”. Presented by President Louise Hancock, Chairperson of the Rotary ‘Making FASD History’ project team, the award acknowledges Bruce for his long term visits to Leonora each 6-8 weeks. Bruce is often supported by his wife, Bev on these trips.

At the same meeting, District Governor, Dee Buckland presented the prestigious “Indigenous Service Award” to Bruce. This award is presented once a year in recognition of a club’s service to the indigenous community. Bruce is the first individual to receive this award since its inauguration – such is his outstanding dedication.  

Bruce receives his awards from Louise Hancock and Dee Buckland

Author: Harry Nesbitt

Published: 13 August, 2021


Meeting Rosters
Thanks & Cleanup
3 minute bio
06 Aug, 24
Marina Berzins
John Boxall
David Fisher
Bruce Dufty
20 Aug, 24
Marina Berzins
Laurie Dender
Laurie Glossop
David Fisher
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